Materials Scientist and Artist
About Brittney Morgan Hauke

Every since I was young, I loved making art and learning about our world and the universe. My interests in both art and science were important to who I was as a person, which lead me to double major at Coe College, in physics and studio art. This website is specifically designed to show both of these aspects of my life and how they can influence one another. Being an artist makes me a better scientist and vice versa.
After I graduated from Coe in 2017, I attended Arizona State University and got my Master's in Materials Science in 2019. Now I'm attending Penn State for my PhD in Materials Science. I work on glass, which is one of my favorite materials for studying and making art (though I don't have much experience with glass art yet).
My main medium growing up was traditional drawing, inking, and painting. At Coe, I started working with ceramics and that was my emphasis for my degree. These days I don't have access to a ceramics studio so I'm working digitally and with watercolors. Recently, I just got a new camera so I'm also dipping my toes back into photography. As I'm able to get back into ceramics and start experimenting with glass and other techniques, watch this space for more additions to my artist portfolio.
I do take commissions and love to do collabs, so if that's something of interest to you please reach out via the "contact" page! Thanks for stopping by!